clinic healthcare mngmnt.


The Clinic Admin App is a comprehensive solution for managing appointments, doctors, patients, and invoicing. It offers user-friendly access for both administrative staff and medical professionals, streamlining operations for healthcare facilities. Interested to try? please contact me

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clinic healthcare mngmnt.

Key Features

  • Public/Patient Role: Patients can register using their phone numbers. If the number already exists in the database, the patient is redirected to the appointment scheduling process, where they can select a date and view available doctors. For new patients, the registration process includes entering personal details and agreeing to the terms and policies before proceeding.
  • Admin Role: Admins can log in securely using an OTP sent to their email. Once logged in, they access a dashboard featuring five key menus: Summary, Appointments, Invoice, Doctors, and Patients. The "Summary" menu provides insights, including yearly revenue, total revenue, patient counts, and completed appointments. In the "Appointments" menu, admins can manage appointments by filtering statuses like CREATED, CANCELED, CONFIRMED, and others, as well as change dates, assign doctors, and add notes. The "Doctors" menu allows admins to add new doctors using email-based OTPs for login, manage their availability, activate or deactivate their status, and view detailed patient and treatment records. Lastly, the "Patients" menu enables admins to edit patient details, view medical histories, and access records such as prescriptions and doctor notes.
  • Doctor Role: Doctors log in using an email-based OTP system. They have access to two menus: "My Appointments" and "Patients." In "My Appointments," doctors can view their scheduled appointments with statuses like CONFIRMED, UNPAID, or IN TREATMENT, filter appointments by date, search for patients, and review appointment details. They can add notes, prescribe medications, record treatments with pricing and discounts, and update the appointment status to IN TREATMENT, notifying admins of their activity. In the "Patients" menu, doctors can view detailed medical records, including treatment history, prescriptions, and notes, but they cannot edit patient information.
clinic healthcare mngmnt.