

The Wallet App is a mentoring project aimed at building a small community for colleagues who have completed their bootcamp training and are preparing to apply for jobs or gain hands-on experience in building industry-like applications. The primary objective of this initiative is to familiarize them with the technology industry. While the app serves as a financial planner, it also offers a wide range of features that can be created and developed, providing an excellent playground for learning and exploration.

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Key Features

  • Financial planning: The app provides functionality as a financial planner, helping users manage their finances effectively.
  • Mentoring and community building: The project fosters a supportive community where colleagues can engage in mentoring and collaborative learning.
  • Industry-like app development: Participants gain hands-on experience in building applications similar to those found in the industry.
  • Playground for feature development: The app offers a platform for exploring and developing various features, allowing participants to enhance their skills and creativity.